Grade 1 art + grade 1 math = Paul Klee buildings!
Artwork by one of my 1st grade artists in the style of Paul Klee The art style of Paul Klee is perfect for first graders. He painted in a flat, abstract style using bright colors and flat shapes. His famous quote, "a line is a dot that went for a walk," can be built upon when talking about shapes--isn't a shape just a line that met itself back where it began? We identified flat or 2-d shapes in his work depicting buildings and villages, looked at photos of a few famous buildings to find similar shapes, and then worked with a partner using wooden blocks to build structures made from 3-d shapes. Some of these buildings are shown in the images below--so engaging for first grade artists! One of Paul Klee's paintings can be seen on the smart board in the photo above, and you can see more of his work at Then we got down to the business of drawing our structures.....